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Staying compliant is not easy

  • Team Omega
  • October 10, 2011

Recent articles on compliance from the 2011 Verizon Payment Card Industry Compliance Report  and 2011 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report  say that retailers are content with getting to compliance but don’t consider continuous compliance as being important.

Typically, when does that once achieved status of compliance change?

  • POS machines are replaced
  • Employees leave and new people come in
  • Updates are missed 
  • Anti-virus and anti-malware updates are not kept up-to-date
  • Wireless Intrusion Detection is not installed at the locations
    And more…..

The reports also say that Level 1 and 2 merchants are better in their upkeep of compliance status than Levels 3 and 4.  Hackers seem to find smaller merchants more vulnerable and are easier targets with possibly no monitoring and logging at their locations.  They also take a much longer time to find out they are breached.

Find out what other factors help with maintaining compliance. For continuous compliance and security help, call 636-557-7777 or email