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In the face of complex and demanding PCI Compliance needs, retailers require the help of a Managed Security Services Provider

  • Team Omega
  • April 22, 2014

Over the last five years retail security has become an increasingly hot topic. Network and data security technologies are quite sophisticated to match the explosion of a new class of hackers and threat environments. So ongoing data protection is not an option anymore; rather the rule. Organizations of all sizes need all inclusive, ongoing, and consistent data security measures.

The need for guidance to go through data security in a retailer’s network environment has increased especially in light of the new PCI DSS 3.0 requirements.  Should retailers worry about the complex details of managing environments and systems or concentrate on running a profitable business?

The answer is obvious.  Retailers would much rather have a dedicated staff or a managed security services provider to focus on helping them with what they do best.  However, a dedicated staff might turn out to be way expensive.  Staff of at least 2 full people to manage the systems, data security and PCI compliance means ongoing training and education.  The alternative is to hand over security and compliance to an experienced Managed Security Services Provider.

The PCI Council has now reinforced the recommendation for retailers to go with a Level 1 certified service provider.  Read more on why to choose a MSSP like Omega ATC and the solution OmegaSecure.  Call 636-557-7777 or email