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40% of breaches of 2012 occurred because of malware use by hackers

  • Team Omega
  • June 30, 2013

That is indeed a large number.

There are different ways malware can be introduced into a system but again the Verizon breach report states that direct installation of malware by a hacker who has gained access to a system is most common and they found it to be the best way.  Once in, hackers own the system and it is a sure way of them remaining there to attack the system.

Malware actions include the following:

  • Spyware/keylogger
  • Backdoor
  • Export data
  • Cature stored data
  • Downloader
  • Password dumper
  • Rootkit
  • Adminware
  • RAM scraper
  • Diasable controls
  • Capture app. data
  • Client-side attack 

Check your current antivirus product to verify that it protects against all types of malware – not just viruses and if not, get a centrally deployed and managed antimalware solution to augment its protection.  Omega solutions pay particular attention to the use of anti-malware in your systems. It is an add-on module that is subscription-based. If you need help, call on Omega ATC at 636-557-7777 or email