Focused and targeted attacks are expected to rise in 2012. Large corporations, financial institutions such as banks are likely to be targeted for non-financial information, with repurposed malware applications. Mozilla Firefox users are encourged to keep up with the install updates to prevent attack ...
Read MoreAccording to the 2007 report "Calculating the Cost of a Security Breach," a security breach can cost between $90 and $305 per record. And according to 2011 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, there were more cyber security breaches in 2010 than any other year to date, with 92 percent of those ...
Read MoreThe advent of new technologies are in pace with the needs of consumers for convenience and comfort. How easy is it to work out of a hotel room in one of the advanced cities of Asia or Africa and send files for an early morning meeting in the U.S.? The world is global indeed. So, are the ri ...
Read MoreThe Morto Worm very recently became the first worm to use a list of common ids and passwords to gain remote desktop access to Windows systems via the Windows remote desktop protocol (RDP) in order to spread itself. As soon as it gains access to a single system on your network, it replaces system co ...
Read MoreWhere would security fall when our data is in a shared space, when privacy is of great concern and breaches are occurring every day even in a secure network? Private clouds seem to be the answer. Private clouds sit in a public facility on a dedicated system with very specific service-level agre ...
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