Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) that might have at some point started as a fad has now turned out to be a problem for companies. Especially at companies where there are no set rules or policies in place. However, it is the employee’s as much as the company’s responsibility to recognize the value of company-proprietary information and losses all around after a breach incident. Jeopardizing their own jobs is a major one as well. In spite of rules, some technically savvy employees usually have workarounds to any policy an employer might impose.
Here are some simple steps that can help BYOD issues at workplaces. Such as,
It is understood that rules have to vary based on an employee’s role at the company. Also, BYOD is starting to become a necessity especially at high-tech companies. Regardless, there should a base that should be covered on BYOD’s need at workplaces. Answering the questions what, why, how would cover several of the security issues surrounding BYODs at any organization.