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Suggestions for PCI DSS assessments and endeavors

  • Team Omega
  • September 28, 2012

Here are some tips recommended to companies to stay compliant year after year. Compliance report from 2011 by Verizon has some new suggestions based on QSA findings from their assessments of different businesses. 

You will find one tip a week in our Omegasecure Blog site.  Please bookmark and visit this site every week for a new tip.

Tip 1:
Name an internal champion for your PCI efforts

There are several day-to-day routine things that need to be done on an on-going basis for staying on top of compliance. This is impossible to get done unless there is someone pushing this as a mandatory checklist. A champion who has some muscle power inside the organization must take on this role and contantly follow up on the who does what duties and make sure things are done on time. A culture needs to be created with the organization around this and the person in charge needs to be able to command the attention to have his/her voice heard.